School Values and Ethos
Our school is a happy and caring learning environment because we:
Provide for the development of the mental, cultural, spiritual and physical welfare of every child through a broad and balanced curriculum.
Plan and present educational opportunities which allow individual children to develop progressively at their own rate.
Teach mutual respect and co-operation which values and reflects the culturally diverse society to which we all belong and value.
Offer an equal entitlement to the curriculum, including the National Curriculum and the opportunities provided, regardless of age, sex, race or disability.
Provide an effective professional development programme for all staff, to support excellence in teaching and learning.
Encourage children, parents and the wider community to work with the Governors and staff to achieve these aims.
The Lowfield Vision
Lowfield is a community school and also one of Sheffield’s historic school establishments. Most of the school was built in the 1870’s, with additions in the 1980’s and 2011.
We currently have around 400 children on roll. Pupils are aged between 4 and 11. As a through school, Lowfield has the advantage of offering close integration between the infant (Foundation and Key Stage 1) and junior (Key Stage 2) departments.
Classes are organised according to pupils’ age. Emphasis is placed on good quality teaching in a calm, working environment. We aim to maintain good relationships between our community, respecting one another and working together.
An outstanding school at the heart of its community; this is the “north star” that guides all we do. Behind this simple vision statement though, lie a set of core beliefs that help us to deliver our vision every day.
We believe that our core business is teaching and learning. This is at the heart of what we do. We aim to ensure that, while they are at Lowfield, every child, irrespective of ability or needs, will receive the best education possible and that they will reach their potential.
We have high expectations of everyone, in all areas. This is just as true of the presentation of the school site as it is of our academic standards. Every member of our school community has a role to play in ensuring that only the very best is good enough; if we demand the best of our pupils then they have a right to see the highest standards every day, everywhere.
We have a “can-do” attitude. We don’t see problems; we see challenges to be overcome. When faced with difficulty, we work tirelessly to find the right solution be this accessing additional support for a pupil or improving how we communicate with our families.
Finally, we don’t make excuses. We know the challenges we face; our job is to overcome these, not to hide behind them. Our job is to deliver our vision; an outstanding school at the heart of its community.
Looking for information that you can't find? Contact our office on 0114 2552501 or enquiries@lowfield.sheffield.sch.uk and we will be happy to help you.