Lowfield PTA needs you!
As a PTA we support the school by raising money through
such things as fayres.
Can you spare any of your time to help us out? We are in desperate need of volunteers!
Please see Mrs Hawley (Y1)
to chat about how you can
get involved.

School Holiday Dates

Did you know that Lowfield can administer calpol and prescribed medication to your child?
If your child had been prescribed medication but is well enough to come to school, please bring the medication to the office, in the labelled box, to arrange the administering of this in school time. This will usually be at lunchtime.
If you child has a mild illness and may need calpol later in the day please come to the school office where staff will be happy to help you. Calpol will be given with parents consent if a child seems a little unwell EG. stomach ache, headache.
If you are concerned about whether or not your child can attend school click the image below to view the Healthier Together website .

Holiday Activities
Are you interested in holiday activities for your child. Take a look at what's on offer - https://sheffieldhealthyholidays.org/

Parent and Carer Questionnaire
Each year all families are given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire and share their views with school.
Questions are designed to gather information about whether parents are kept informed about their child's education and behaviour, as well as to establish if children enjoy school and feel safe.
These results are then used by school leaders to inform future decisions and make any changes to school policy.

Your child can either stay for school dinner, bring a packed lunch from home or go home for their dinner. A choice of school dinner can be made each morning.

Make sure you keep up to date with the latest dinner menu. Click the image below to see the weekly menus.
Dinner times
Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 - 11:40am - 12:40pm
Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 - 12:00pm - 1pm
Holiday Food Supplement Vouchers

For those families that are eligible, Edenred will once again be providing vouchers to supplement children's meals over the Christmas break.
Those eligible should receive a letter containg their unique code and details of how to access the voucher at the beginning of December.
Please note that codes need to be activated within 3 months or they will be cancelled.
If you are facing financial hardship, there is free advice and support available at www.citizensadvicesheffield.org.uk or you can call on 0808 278 7820 or find further information at: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/benefits/help-money-issues
Additional support can also be found via Sheffield City Council’s Community Support Helpline on 0114 273 4567 or at: www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/benefits/help-money-issues
Do you need help with meal times?
Here at Lowfield we have made links with Food Works Sheffield to be able to offer support to our local community.
We have access to a range of nutritional, 'home' cooked frozen meals that can be bought for a minimum donation of just £1. These can be accessed from the freezer at the school office.

For more information on Food Works Sheffield click on the links below.